About Me

I’m a technology enthusiast, business savvy problem-solver, white-hat hacker, music aficionado, sun worshiper and snow lover.


MsC in Software Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico – Universidade de Lisboa, focusing on cyber-security, web and multimedia.

Inspired by my dad, from a very young age I’ve been around computers, followed the evolution of technology and was always eager to work on real-world projects.

I started learning how to build websites at 12yo, learned to code in PHP, MySQL and ActionScript while developing a Bit Torrent tracker at 14yo, was involved in several entrepreneur projects, built websites for small companies and community projects, got involved in cyber-security after joining the Security Team @ Tecnico and participating in some CTFs.

My MsC thesis focused on reverse engineering of software and implemented DroidSF – a framework for security analysis of mobile applications.

I always push to develop elegant, robust and well tested software.
Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.”
– Albert Einstein

My work philosophy is focused on quality over quantity, and having things fail cheaply.

Bad design choices in software development can lead to very expensive and difficult problems down the road. Born in a generation that wants things done fast, it was through experience and empiric knowledge that I truly realized the importance of adopting good industry standards, performing in-depth requirement analysis, and thinking long and hard about the design decisions.

Worked for Rnters startup as one of two developers, and was in charge of building and maintaining PinheiroBombeiro and LazyCampers campaign websites.

Recently joined QuidGest, attracted by the distinct philosophy it takes on software development with a strong emphasis on modelling over coding.

Major interests: Web, Cyber-Security, Multimedia
Major languages: Java, C, Python, PHP, Ruby, Javascript

Hobbies: Gaming, Trading, Snowboarding, Music/DJ, Sports and fitness